Random Thoughts
- Watching Kpop content through English subtitles means you are missing out on 80% of the core experience.
- You are going to die. You might die tomorrow. You might die after reading this.
- To normies, speaking is a poor benchmark of language abilities because you can have trash Korean but with enough confidence and personality you can easily impress people. Therefore, comprehension will always be the superior benchmark for language ability. Speaking is meaningless and useless if you can't comprehend the language.
- Anyone who recommends Korean beginners and intermediates to speak Korean should be banned from every platform.
- Everyone time someone leaves an English comment on vlive, an angel loses its wings.
- Things that Kpop needs to give up: Boy groups, gIrL cRuSh concepts
- Don't have time to learn Korean? You do. Whatever fun you are having in English, do it in Korean. Easy. If you don't do anything fun in your life, you probably need to reevaluate your life choices.
- You cannot learn a language through speaking. Periodt. Anyone who says that you can is an idiot.